
The Pilgrim Course - Lent 2019

This is the Eighth module of the Pilgrim course -looking at the Church and The Kingdom . However if you haven't taken part in any of the modules yet you can still very much attend this one.

Who should attend this course? Anyone. You can be a very mature Christian. It still does a lot of good going over the basics. You can be a searcher. It will still be very relevant. You can be a "young Christian", new to faith. It will be still very helpful. You can be considering confirmation. This is a perfect basis for preparing for that.

You do not need to have attended previous modules of the Pilgrim course to attend either module.

Just email me at or phone me on 01227 272308  if you would like to attend so I know how many will be at the Vicarage. There is no charge apart from £6 for the course manual which can be shared with a friend you are attending the course with if you wish. 
To view the website of the Pilgrim course please visit this website. 
Every good wish
Rev Simon Tillotson
Here is the website for more information - see below for the course outline and dates

There is a choice of attending either Thursday evening or Friday morning

Church and Kingdom – from The Pilgrim Course

Thursday evenings OR Friday mornings during Lent (please choose one or the other) – at the Vicarage, Church Street, Whitstable, CT5 1PG

Thursdays 7.45pm to 9.15pm (coffee and tea served from 7.30pm)

Fridays 10am to 11.30pm (coffee and tea served from 9.45am)

Please let Simon know by emailing him at, calling him on 01227 272308, or contacting via Facebook

Thursday 7th March evening/ Friday 8th March morning  Session One: Praying through Life  with a Reflection by Stephen Cottrell

Explores the importance of prayer, particularly daily prayer as foundational for the Christian life.

Thursday 14th March evening/ Friday 15th March morning  Session Two: At home and at work with a Reflection by Paula Gooder

Looks at how we live out our faith every day and of the importance of Sabbath.

Thursday 21st March evening/ Friday 22nd March morning  Session Three: Living generously with a Reflection by John Preston

Considers what it means to reflect the generosity of God in our own lives.

Thursday 28th  March evening/ Friday 29th  March morning  Session Four: In all my relationships with a Reflection by Rachel Treweek

Looks at how faith in the God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit shapes and changes all our relationships.

Thursday 4th April  evening/ Friday 5th April  morning  Session Five: Confronting the injustices of the world with a Reflection by Ann Morisy

Considers how the Christian life requires us to be involved in the affairs of the world and to witness to God’s kingdom of peace and justice every day.

Thursday 11th April  evening/ Friday 12th April  morning  Session Six: Treading lightly on the earth with a Reflection by David Walker

Explores our relationship with the earth itself.